Frequently Asked Questions
But of course! But, being the operative word. You see, while we can guarantee no herds were harmed in the making of our moo-free morsels, the machines we use to make them also process other products that sometimes contain egg. These machines are thoroughly washed and cleaned as per all UK and European Food regulations.
It sure is! We’ve ensured our bite-size ice cream is safe for celiacs, by following up with every supplier. That means you can munch safe in the knowledge that none of the ingredients we use contain gluten or any other derivative of wheat.
It most certainly is! Our mini ice cream bites are completely free from anything that came from a cow.
Good question! We’ll keep you in the loop on our latest product launches. We’re aiming to have our creamy coconut bites in store for September 2022. However, anything could happen between now and then, including (another) apocalypse. Watch this space!
Depends on who you ask. Dairy farmers probably don’t think so. We’re not dieticians, but we do know that coconuts contain protein, minerals and manganese, which sounds a bit scary, but is actually essential for bone health and metabolism. Okay, so we googled it. Like most things, coconut has got a lot going for it but should be eaten alongside a varied diet rich in other fruit and vegetables.
The takeaway? Consume these big hairy balls in moderation…
We thought you’d never ask. Regular old moo milk comes from cows. Cows are pretty cute, but eating all that grass makes them gassier than your Gran on Christmas Day. We all know by now that gas is not so hot for the environment – causing global warming, ozone holes, and a bunch of other scary scenarios.
We use fart-free coconuts in the creation of Over the Moo ice cream, making it much better for mummy nature. When it comes to global warming, 1L of dairy milk produces about 20 times more C02 than 1L of coconut milk. Holy cow!
Yes it is but you need to check with your local council if they recycle this grade of plastic - known as Type 4 recyclability in the UK. (LDPE—Low Density Polyethylene) is the plastic used in bags, films, and lighter plastics and is now also accepted at many retail locations.
We’d love to hear it! We’re a friendly old bunch and love a good laugh, so head on down to the contact page if you want to get in touch. We promise to tell you everything we know (even the top-secret stuff).